Anglers Gear (10)

The Ultimate Guide to Treble Hooks

When it comes to fishing gear, having the right hooks can make the difference between a fish landed and a fish lost. Far too many anglers do not know the importance of having quality hooks tied to the end of a line or attached to a lure, and far too many anglers pay the price.There are some as far south as Key West, Fla., using circle hooks for everything from bridling for big offshore to bottom fishing on the flats for the occasional shark.

The Best Treble Hooks for Crankbaits

Rebel Lures Bluegill Square Bill Crankbait

Treble hooks are an effective method of attaching bait to a crankbait due to their three points. They are widely used among anglers fishing everywhere from small lakes to open oceans because they are versatile and can be made in a range of sizes.