
Fishing Hooks​

Fishing Hooks​

kahles hook

The Kahle Hook – The Angler’s Gear Full Review

The hook is as old as fishing itself. There has been very little technological improvements outside of the metal technology.
This particular post we at Angler’s Gear are going to concentrate on is one of the newest of the hook technology – the Kahle hook.
The Kahle hook is not a circle hook nor a J-hook (j-hook being the standard hook with a long shank). Instead it is somewhat in between the two. The Kahle hook has a point that turns back towards the eye and an exceptionally large gap. The wire is thinner than the circle hook variety – leading to less damage to live bait.

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VMC Hooks

VMC Hooks Review

VMC is well known for creating and manufacturing unique styles of hooks to meet the ever-expanding expectations and needs of anglers worldwide. VMC produces many hooks specific to conditions anglers encounter while out on a fishing trip. From fly hooks and barbless hooks to weighted swimbait hooks with integrated spinning blades, VMC does it all.

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Dry Fly Vs. Wet Fly

Wet Fly vs Dry Fly: Top Choices for Everyday Use

Wire. Feathers. Twine. Individually, each of these three items have purpose but not for the angler. Spend some time combining the three, and you have one of the finest trout lures known. The simple fly mimics the natural emerging hatch of insects trout gorge themselves on in the late spring and summer. Anglers who tempt their quarry with the fly are often some of the most skilled and proficient of all anglers. The skill, accuracy and precision necessary when fly fishing is not for the novice or impatient. Those who would master the art of the fly presentation are often rewarded handsomely with both prize and bragging rights.

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What are the Best Trout Lures for Ponds

What are the Best Trout Lures for Ponds

Most people consider trout fishing to be relegated to streams and rivers. This is generally true, but the fact is trout can thrive in other waters as well. Ponds in particular are very popular for anglers. It is common for people to open pay to fish locations and stock ponds with trout of various types. Trout taken by anglers from ponds are often easier to fish for than trout in rivers.

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What is a Barbless Hook?

A barbless hook is a type of fishing hook that does not have a sharpened barb at the end. It allows for an easier release of the fish and protects the angler from injury.

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Where to Buy Barbless Hooks

Where to Buy Barbless Hooks

Fishing is part of the original ways people in pre-industrial societies would provide for themselves and their families. It was necessary not only to hook the fish but also land the fish. It was vital to have some way to keep the fish on the line under any circumstances. This is why the barb was so vital to the success of the anglers.

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